Friday, March 28, 2014

High Five For Friday! || Allergic to MAC

Happy Friday Beauties!!! I hope you all are having, or had, a amazing day! I am finally catching a Friday, it seems like forever since I have written a post. By the time I get done work on Fridays at 9pm I am limited for time to get the kids to bed then try to make a post before midnight and it has been quite the challenge!! But here I am now, starting it BEFORE work so I can not make up excuses. This week has been quite good, I must say. Lets get right into it!

{One} I don't want to repeat anything but I have to mention it this one last time {promise}. Yesterday I received another MAC package in the mail. This makes 4 this week. Call me crazy but instead of making one whole order I will make one single order, then a couple hours later make another. It just seems more forgiving spending $20 at a time rather than $60. Know what I mean? Probably not. I am probably just a little kray. Anyways, about yesterdays package. The newly launched {On Wednesday} PatentPolish Lip Pencil aka another 'Chunny Stick'. Now, you may feel like, "I own every chubby stick from every brand you can think of, I don't need to fork out $20 to buy a MAC one!". Sweetheart, yes you do! This is not like any lip pencil or chubby stick you own. You have my 150% guarantee on that. Have you seen the picture of the advertisement for them? Here it is

You, along with many others, are thinking this is photo shopped to grab attention. Nope. It is not. This is what these look like on your lips. They are absolutely stunning! I got the nude color 'Innocent' and if I wore different colors other than nude I would def be getting every single one of these.

{Two} I am back to being a coffee drinker! I give that to the new Tim Horton's we got in a couple weeks ago. Now, I know every ones fav is Starbucks but unfortunately I do not have one anywhere near me within 300 miles! All we have around here {upstate NY} is Dunkin Donuts and now Tim Horton's. Everyone drinks coffee, its like a trend. My parents, and whole entire family actually, drinks coffee regularly. As in, they cannot wake up without it nor can they get through the day without it. I have always loved the smell of coffee brewing at home and many times I tried it but could never fall into it. The taste was just nasty and it was a hot drink. I am not  a fan of hot drinks. I like feeling refreshed, not burning my lips. BUT, just as my mom always told me, your taste buds change as you grow old up. I love caramel so one time I went out and got a coffee with Carmel creamer and splenda. I was addicted. It tasted so good and made me feel great! I drank it like a pro for about 2 months straight. Then just stopped and went back to my cold refreshers! On a whim the other day I opted for a cup of coffee instead of Pepsi. Here I am again.... addicted. My addictive personality is sometimes a bad thing. Today I stopped at Tim's and got a Carmel Ice Capp. YUMMY!!

{Three} Too many blogs to follow. Ok, so reading blogs has recently become my favorite thing to do. I just discovered the blogging word within this past year. I absolutely love blogging and it is my favorite thing to do. I had found like 10 amazing blogs and enjoy reading about everything from beauty to lifestyle. Fashion has never been my thing. BUT, here is where I am in a black hole and unable to get out. From those 10 blogs, guess what? They have a section dedicated to their favorite bloggers. And those bloggers have links to their favorite bloggers. So now my bookmark bar is filled with hundreds of blogs. It is so hard keeping up with them everyday. Do you have any tips of sorting them out? Probably not. I am just probably too overboard and alone in this situation!?

{Four} Becoming a new version of me. If that makes sense. Everyday on my way to work, while music is blasting, my mind is always going 900 mph. I always have these bright ideas of things to change, things to do better, things to get done. I know everyone hits rock bottom sometime in their life {nothing serious has happened to me} and that is what it takes sometimes to figure out who you are and where you are going. There are some personal things {that I am not ready to talk about} going on in my life that need some serious readjusting before it goes in a path that I do not want it to. So recently I have been looking into different ways to better myself. I am up for any suggestions you wonderful peeps may have! :)

{Five} I did not want to include this. Especially after my number one above. I started writing this post this morning before work and knew I would be finishing it tonight. My opinion does not change about the MAC patentpolish at all. I still love it, but unfortunately I had to leave work today after only being there 3 hours {that's not really that unfortunate but the reason I left is} because I was having an allergic reaction to something on my lips. I was so scared and nervous but it has happened before, about  a year ago, so as soon as my lip got hot and started swelling I knew exactly what was wrong. I did not want to leave work in an ambulance so I had to sign a paper so they weren't responsible if I died on my way driving myself, is exactly what they told me. Anyways, I made it. It was the longest ride in my life. I take things too far. I know there is a word for that but I don't know what it is. The EMT at work told me if my head started feeling weird or if I found it difficult to breathe or swallow to pull over and call 911. So guess what, the whole ride there my mind was playing tricks on me and I seriously thought I was going to pass out. I didn't though.
I made it nice and safe to the ER. Because I was driving they gave me Benadryl in pill form because she said it wouldn't kick in as hard and I might be able to drive. We would see how I felt. Well, 45 minutes after taking the pill, I wasn't feeling any better and in fact my lips were even more swollen! She had to then give me the shot and I would have to call for a ride.
Everything is all good now, my lips are no longer swollen like this:
Don't mind how ratchet I look. This was at the hospital. I was a stressed, crying, HOT MESS!!

The crappy thing is that I do not know which product did this to me. Within the last week I have ordered and been using 3 different lip products from MAC. I bought the Pre + Prime for lips, Sheen Supreme lipstick and the PatentPolish. I am not chancing that situation again so I will be returning all of them and just stick with my regular lipsticks and face products!!

That is all I can think of for now. Time to go cuddle with the boyfriend and catch up in Bates Motel!! Do you watch that?? We DVR it and watch 2 episodes back to back.
Until next time beauties,
Tasha xo


  1. I use Bloglovin to follow the blogs I read. You can put them in groups and it only shows you the blogs that have new content. As far as your lips, read the ingredient label to see if there is something that could have triggered your reaction. Glad you are ok now, but allergic reactions can get serious.

    1. Thanks! I just started using Bloglovin as well, kind of late jumping on that wagon :) I am glad that allergic reaction is over with as well, I can say though that MAC did not hesitate, contacted me right away and refunded me for all 3 lip products. Amazing customer support especially since I only asked how I go about returning them. xox
